Monthly Archival Society Meeting Features Places We Dined
3 Mar, 2020,
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The monthly Archival Society meeting takes place at 7 pm in the Community Room of the Ritter Public Library. The subject this time is "Places We Dined", a continuation of the 2020 calendar of the same name. Come and re-live the memories of past favorite restaurants... maybe even share some of your memories that others haven't yet heard.
Ritter Public Library is located at 5680 Liberty Avenue in downtown Vermilion, Ohio.
Call (440) 967-3798 for more information.
Archival Society Meets
26 Oct, 2019

Vermilion Area Archival Society meetings are free and open to the public.
Ritter Public Library is located at 5680 Liberty Avenue in downtown Vermilion, Ohio.
For information about the Vermilion Area Archival Society, contact Sandra Neiding at (440) 967-4190.
Archival Society Receives Mylander Foundation Grant
14 Oct, 2019
The new website,, is now available to the public. The website uses the “Vermilion Historical Society” as an umbrella name for the Archival Society and the Vermilion History Museum and is the only all-in-one resource for researching Vermilion history on the internet.
The Archival Society became a non-profit organization in 2001. For many years the organization has been collecting and archiving Vermilion history into PastPerfect Museum Software. Their collection and computers are located in the basement of the Ritter Public Library which is not open to the public. This website is intended to expand their online presence to a wider audience.
George Mylander of Sandusky, Ohio created The Mylander Foundation in 1987 because he believed that the private foundation concept provided the most positive, farsighted vehicle for the intelligent underwriting of the projects and programs of local charitable, educational, civic, governmental and religious organizations and institutions in a manner that would not be limited to his own lifetime.
Vermilion Area Archival Society Introduces New Website
3 Sep, 2019

Learn how at the September 9, 2019 Archival Society meeting. Historian Janet Ford will present the new website,, and explain how to access historical information on it. The website will be updated weekly with local historical information and photographs.
The meeting takes place at 7 pm in the Community Room of Ritter Public Library at 5680 Liberty Avenue in downtown Vermilion. The meeting is free and open to the public.
For information about the Vermilion Area Archival Society, contact Sandra Neiding at (440) 967-4190.
Flood of 1969 Grand Finale Interview
29 Jul, 2019

Name That Person
29 Jul, 2019

Rich Tarrant, curator, has uncovered numerous photographs of unknown people and places from the Vermilion News archives and needs help identifying them. Photos are generally from the 1950s.
Come to the Museum for an hour or so to reminisce, view and help identify the old-time photos. You are also encouraged to bring your Vermilion photos.
The South Shore Four Barbershop Quartet will be performing from 11 am to noon, and from 1 pm to 2 pm, for your enjoyment. Bring a chair.
Tour the Museum to see what is new on display. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.
For more information, call the Vermilion History Museum at (440) 967-4555.