Vermilion Area Archival Society Introduces New Website
September 3, 2019 at 10:41 am
The Vermilion Area Archival Society, in cooperation with Ritter Public Library and the Vermilion History Museum, videotapes oral histories and offers regular meetings and presentations. Archival Society volunteers scan historic photos, documents, calendars, and newsprint articles into an historical database. Now the public will have access to all that historical information.
Learn how at the September 9, 2019 Archival Society meeting. Historian Janet Ford will present the new website,, and explain how to access historical information on it. The website will be updated weekly with local historical information and photographs.
The meeting takes place at 7 pm in the Community Room of Ritter Public Library at 5680 Liberty Avenue in downtown Vermilion. The meeting is free and open to the public.
For information about the Vermilion Area Archival Society, contact Sandra Neiding at (440) 967-4190.