The Vermilion History Museum

Printing From The Heart

The print shop and weekly newspaper served the community of Vermilion, Ohio from 1897 to 1964. After closing all the equipment in the shop sat dormant until 2012 when the doors of the museum opened to the public for the first time in over 50 years.

- Rich Tarrant

727 Grand Street
Vermilion, Ohio 44089

Mon - Sat: 11 am - 2 pm
Other Times by Reservation


The Vermilion History Museum, in downtown Vermilion, served as a print shop and a weekly newspaper from 1905 to 1964. The print shop houses two linotypes (c.1915), and 4 letter presses: A Stonemetz 2 revolution newspaper press (c.1919); a Kelly press (c.1917); a Chandler & Price 8"x12" Gorden Jobber Press (c.1900); and a Heidelberg windmill Press (c.1954). There is a book bindary and storage room with a manual paper cutter, electric stapler, and a manual hole punch machine.

The building was built in 1904 by Caselton Roscoe of Milan, Ohio for his son and daughter-in-law, Pearl and Bessie Roscoe, to house the business. There is an apartment above the shop where the Roscoe's lived and raised their two daughters. Today the apartment has become part of the museum featuring historical artifacts from the printer's family, as well as those from Vermilionites of the past. 

Vermilion News Print Shop Story

The building was built in 1904 by Caselton Roscoe of Milan, Ohio for his son and daughter-in-law, Pearl and Bessie Roscoe to house the business. There is an apartment above the shop where the Roscoe's lived and raised their two daughters. Today the apartment has become part of the museum featuring historical artifacts from the printer's family as well as those from Vermilionites of the past.

The print shop houses two linotypes (c.1915), and 4 letter presses: A Stonemetz 2 revolution newspaper press (c.1919); a Kelly press (c.1917); a Chandler & Price 8"x12" Gorden Jobber Press (c.1900); and a Heidelberg Windmill Press (c.1954). There is book bindary / storage room with a manual paper cutter, electric stapler, and manual hole punch machine.

Thomas Edison called the linotype machine "The Eighth Wonder of the World." The Vermilion News Print Shop Museum linotype machine is only one out of six in the USA and one out of twenty in the world, and we are lucky enough to have two!

Vermilion History Museum Visitors Information

A Great Place to Visit for a "Rainy Day" Destination

Admission - $5.00

Seniors - $4.00

Veterans - Free – Blue Star Museum

Children 10 years & under free with adult admission


Buses Welcome

Closed Holidays

Not Handicapped Accessible (yet)

Non-Profit Organization

Vermilion History Museum Reviews

A family that cares and willing to share the history of a small community news print office - thank you ! ( I even recall setting type by hand, one letter at a time, and placing it in what was called a Platen Press. ) And there it was, a Platen Press, in this print shop. I can now take my grandchildren here and show them what I once did.  

Thank you Rich and your family for making "history " alive again for many of us to recall from our lifetimes and share with others who missed this period of development.


Brings back great memories when I was a printing major in high school. Haven't had my hands in printers ink for over 50 years. I must come down soon and spend some time with you.


Just toured the museum this afternoon - really coming along nicely! Lots of great progress, especially with the upper floor and displays up there. Look forward to coming back again soon.


This is the coolest thing ever! You guy's rock! Thanks for sharing these memories with all of us here in Vermilion and beyond!


Such an incredible place! Great display of history in printing.